Personal Space

Lead Game Designer

Escape the clutches of friendship and social expectations in this top-down puzzler about living with social anxiety. Go to social gatherings and try to complete your obligations before you get too stressed. If your anxiety gets too high its game over.

My team and I, Pastel Peaks Productions, created this game as a part of our Senior Capstone Project for the University of Utah's Entertainment Arts and Engineering Program during the 2019-2020 academic year.

I worked on Personal Space as Lead Designer and assisted with designing level layouts as well as asset creation and implementation. We were a small team of 12 creating the game over the course of approximately 8 months. I often had to wear many hats, and assist in ways I hadn't expected.

At the beginning of our production we were often met with harsh criticism and feedback. It was hard for me not to feel discouraged. But these experiences taught me how to take that criticism in stride and use it to fuel my creative thinking and problem solving. As a team we found that sometimes the harsher feedback was often the most helpful.

About halfway through production, the COVID-19 pandemic forced our team to go fully remote. Learning how to communicate over Zoom and coordinate with different time zones was an adjustment, especially so late in the project. But I am proud to say that we powered through and released the game on Steam in May 2020.

The game is available for free on Steam for Windows 10 and Mac OS X here.