Designer and 3D Artist
University of Utah - The Practice, Jan 2019 - December 2020
Designed the layout and look of a virtual dentistry practice simulation VR assisted teaching.
3D modelled tools and furniture that are used in a dentistry practice.
Ensured all assets were modelled to real-life scale for use in a VR environment.
Modelled assets in Maya and then textured them in Unity.
Added and implemented all models and art into Unity.
Tested all tools and furniture in VR to ensure high immersion and realism.
Assisted in setup and use of the dentistry simulation in the classroom and in various studies.
Lead Designer & 3D Artist
Pastel Peaks Productions - Personal Space, Nov 2019 - May 2020
Presented and listened to design ideas and concepts, then workshopping and implementing accordingly.
Directed the design of level layouts, objectives, pathing, and creating 3D assets within the game.
Designed and oversaw creation of UI elements and layout.
Managed and assisted in preparing and implementing assets into Unity.
Assisted in playtesting to find bugs and test player understanding of gameplay.
Adapted to moving entirely remote due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and ensuring team members had the support they required.
Worked toward and ensured the game was fully functional and complete for May release date, approximately 8 months after start of production.
Acted as mediator between teammates trying to maintain positive attitudes and motivations.